Lots of Spots

Praise th Lord this is not a reference to getting chicken pox or any other sickness…it was our occupier for the afternoon to keep the peace.


Lois Ehlert is a children’s author who has wonderful illustrations in her books that can be remade by kiddos. We don’t craft often, I mean come on now I have 3 boys, but when we do the boys get into it!

The first step to the madness was for mum not to get overwhelmed with the mess and “perfectness” of the craft. After that was established it was smooth sailing. Z chose to make a lunar moth, j made a chameleon and k well,let’s be honest he made pancakes instead!

The real first step was to cut out body parts for each animal– super easy…second step crumple the paper up if it was “scaly” or needed texture…third step, for j and k, punch holes in body of animal then place different colors over the holes on the side that was to be glued down…last step to mum’s sanity, I mean the project was to construct the animal…again, this was easy for my smart kiddos.

And here are the finished products…
DSC07687 DSC07695

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One response to “Lots of Spots

  1. Sarah

    Love it! You and your boys are very creative!

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